Monday, November 2, 2009

Vikings Fudge Pack Victory, 38-26! Vikes, 7-1!

“I saw some cheers (and) a couple fingers,” Favre said, drawing a loud laugh from the assembled reporters. Brett Favre's response to the boos he received throughout the Viking-Packer game yesterday.

For the 2nd time, the Minnesota Vikings stuck it to the Green Bay Packers, this time at Lambeau - Favre's first return to the stadium that made him a legend for 16 years while he played with Green Bay.

I expected the boos (which died by the end of the game and turned into cheers...hypocrites). But they (the boos) seemed to unfaze Favre, who threw for 4 TDS in a 38-26 win over the Pack. Favre about the fans' reaction, "I hope that everyone in the stadium watching tonight said, 'You know, I hate that the joker's on the other side, but he does play the way he's always played, with his excitement and passion for the game...As long as I play, that's not going to change. That's what people have admired about me throughout my career. That's all I can do."
For game highlights, click here. Click on READ MORE! for more pics. NEXT WEEK: Vikings have a bye. In two weeks, the Vikes (7-1) meet Lions (1-6) at Minnesota.

Favre and GB QB Aaron Rodgers meet after the game. At the midway point in the season, Favre ranks: #4 in passer rating, #3 in completion percentage, tied for 1st with 16 TDS and is #7 in passing yards. Nice job, 40-year-old man who can't play anymore.

Percy Harvin (12) has certainly made a statement for Rookie of the Year.

Favre in the huddle.

Favre back for a pass.

Favre and Greg Jennings after the game.

Favre and Donald Driver embrace.

Two ex-Packers - Favre and Kicker Ryan Longwell.

Favre and Adrian Peterson celebrating a TD.

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