Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wild hair. Door County. Flurries.

Got a wild hair and took off for Door County the other day. Wanted to capture the peak colors and I've only been to DC in the winter. Wasn't anticipating the snow flurries just past Green Bay. These two shots are about the only things I captured on my very wet trip. If you like Nantucket, you'll like Door County. Egg Harbor. Fish Creek. Very nice.


  1. Me & Tom went to Door County a few weeks ago. WE love it up there! Did you happen to see the LOG CABIN restaurant in Carlsville??? Really neat place made with real logs. Food is good too!

  2. Never been to Door County, but have lived on Nantucket - your pics don't bring back the memories I have of that quaint island. . . :) . . . pretty pics anyway - wish I could've joined you!

  3. i should have taken picture of the actual towns that reminded me of nantuckett but it was raining snow and the picture-taking wasn't the best.
