Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Jeff. Bad Jeff.

This is a promotional/marketing short film I shot with a couple friends to introduce my latest full-length play, HOW TO KILL A BOY. I plan to go viral (YouYube, my blogs, Facebook) in August and see what happens. Maybe no one will watch it. Or maybe everyone will watch it and it'll become an Internet hit.

The real motivation behind creating this (it was free) was that I wanted a carrot to dangle in front of artistic directors and literary managers of theaters in the hopes that they be persuaded into allowing me to send them the full play instead of a 20-page sample OR that theaters might forego their rule of taking submissions only from literary agents.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Jeff, gloomy day today and I am very bored so I watched :To Kill a Boy" and thought it was a riot!!! Good job!
