Friday, September 4, 2009

The last "Californian" TGIF! presents...Wang Chung's "To Live and Die in LA"!

Wang Chung - To Live and Die In LA
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Goodbye California...and LA. This is officially my last "TGIF! presents..." as a Californian. I'm hittin' the road. Moving back to Wisconsin. After 11 1/4 years here, I need a break. I could be pessimistic about some of the time that I spent here - as easy as it would be to say that a lot of great shit happened to me while I lived here. I made some great friends - best friends. I became a god father. I fell in love. Met some interesting people - a lot of celebs. Some of you - and you know who you breaks my heart to leave you. But in this day and age of Facebook and the Internet, we're not really that far away, are we? I'll be back to visit.

Right decision to move? Wrong decision? Who knows. It feels like the right decision NOW.

It was a wonderful adventure. No matter what I'm feeling now or how I'll feel about later, there is a part of me that will never leave LA.

This song is my homage to the City of Angels. And to the state of California, I say, "see ya later".

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