Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The stupidest sportscaster on radio = Mychal Thompson.

I had to preface my headline by saying "on radio" as there a ton of sport commentators I detest (think FoxSports.com).
Mychal is currently on 710AM ESPN's LA Sports Live in Los Angeles, a weekday program he co-hosts with Andrew Siciliano. Today they were discussing the propensity of some sports (namely baseball) to pay outrageous salaries to rookie athletes before they've even proven themselves on the field.

Andrew repeated over and over again that he's not berating the athletes ("take it if you can get it") but that it's a problem with the system. But this dipshit Mychal Thompson kept coming back to his, "if you were an athlete wouldn't you take the money?" argument. WTF? Are you fucking deaf, Mychal? And he kept doing this with whatever subject they were talking about.


It's no wonder that Mychal (and his co-host) was fired from the LA AM Radio program Loose Cannons (they show was cancelled).

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