Friday, August 28, 2009

I think I have my Vikings TD celebration song...

For the 16 years Brett Favre played for the Green Bay Packers - helping to bring that franchise out of the pits and back into relevance - I had one song that I played every time the Pack scored a TD, field goal - any points. "Scotland the Brave". I love the bagpipes and I would blare the music as loud as I could crank my "stereo system". The bitch I worked for in Bel Air said she always knew when the Packers scored 'cause she heard "the pipes" from guest house...and my own victory screams.

When Favre joined the New York Jets last year, I began playing "New York Groove" by Ace Frehley of KISS. Then Donovan (of Donovan & Maria fame in Tujunga) suggested the song, "Jet" by WINGS. Being The Beatles fan that he is (me too), I went with it.

This year, as Favre embarks on his 19th year in the NFL as the new starting QB of the Minnesota Vikings, I've had some difficulty finding suitable celebration music. Norse odes and ballads just don't cut it. Everything else I've found is metal "Viking" stuff. So - back to the good ole U.S. of A. I think this tune sums everything I want in a Viking celebration. No?

(Make sure you PAUSE the jukebox at the top of the page.)

Its My Life - Bon Jovi

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