Friday, August 21, 2009

Enjoy the Jailhouse Rock, Plax! WORD!

Hope it was worth it, tough guy. You - Mr. Cowboy. Mr. Gangsta. Loaded weapon in a nightclub. You're one bad mama jama, Plax. Ya...your team beat the Packers in OT and went on to win the Super Bowl. Great memories...and great memories to hold you over for the 2 years you're gonna spend in the pen, Bitch! Ain't so tough, be'in tough. This song's for you, BRO!

Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley

(Funny...people can say all they want about Brett Favre. But Brett ain't spending time behind bars for drinking/driving and killing someone or killing dogs or failing dope tests...or carrying loaded weapons into nightclubs. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.)

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