Sunday, June 7, 2009

#50 - "Grace Notes from a Bohemian in Wanderlust." The Kazar's in Wheaton.

("Grace Notes from a Bohemian in Wanderlust" is a series of posts about my 3.5 week May vacation in Seattle, Chicago, Milwaukee, Lake Tomawk, WI and Miami. They are in no particular order.)

My best friend, Tom, at his home in Wheaton, IL. Lovely time with the Kazar's - wish I had gotten a picture of his sons, Jacob and Joseph. The boys are becoming quite the lacrosse players. Jacob just got selected all-conference, first team - and defensive MVP - as a sophomore, no less. Click on READ MORE! for additional pics.

We had a nice barbecue the Friday night that I was there. That's Denise, Tom's wife on his right. And Aurora - she was the maid of honor for their wedding and I was the best man. We all went to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater together.

A man and his barbecue.

Aurora and I.

Tom has been frustrated at the rabbits dining in his newly planted garden. He's on his way to get his pellet gun.

Elmer Fudd on wine. I shot one rabbit at 20 yards with an off-kilter scope. Couldn't hit it again at 10 yards. I'll spare you the rest of the details on our rabbit hunting escapade.

The newest addition to the Kazar family - Jackie. I went with Tom and his family to pick up Jackie on Saturday.

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