Thursday, June 4, 2009

#11 - "Grace Notes from a Bohemian in Wanderlust." Stinko & Kiko - A boy and his dog, Part Deux.

("Grace Notes from a Bohemian in Wanderlust" is a series of posts about my 3.5 week May vacation in Seattle, Chicago, Milwaukee, Lake Tomawk, WI and Miami. They are in no particular order.)

Actually, it's my friend's Nick and Angela's dog, Kiko - one of two pugs they own. I visited them (Nick and Ang - and the pugs) in Cedar Rapids, IA while home in Wisconsin on vacation. Nick calls me "Stinko" as my last name is "Ircink" ("Ersink"). Get it? Heehawwwheeha. Ha.

Nick's gonna scream because his dog his so little in the pics but I had to make them smaller so I could get a 2 x 2 layout. Layout is key when you blog.

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