Saturday, April 25, 2009

How NOT to sell your wares: Bethenny from Real Housewifes of NYC.

Bethenny is one of the women featured on Bravo's The Real Housewives of New York City. According to Wikipedia (which I've recently found to not be that accurate), Bethenny:

"...has a burgeoning career as a natural foods chef. She owns her own company, Bethenny Bakes; has a health column in Hamptons Magazine; and is a TV spokesperson for Health Magazine and for Pepperidge Farms' new line of foods. Frankel was the runner-up on The Apprentice: Martha Stewart and starred in the movie Hollywood Hills 90028. She was Paris Hilton's nutritionist"

Fine. But Bethenny can't sell her own wares worth shit. Or give them away. Watch this video - PAUSE the jukebox at the top of the page first though. WTF? I wouldn't sample a free chocolate bar if I were going into diabetic shock. I thought, "this has to be a joke". The video is self-explanatory. Pathetic.

I'll take Kelly on her worst day. Kelly's actually my favorite on the show. "Hi, Kelly!" I don't know her but she returned my email today and we chatted for a second. Very cordial. Returned the email message of a complete stranger - is that not impressive? She gave me hints as to where to hang out in Miami when I attend the Florida premiere of "Pass the Salt, Please."

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