Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hallelujah! The Lord has risen. "Laughing Jesus".

I usually stay away from religion on my blog (sex and politics I'll discuss). But it is Easter Sunday - and I DO believe. Brought up Catholic, I don't attend church regularly (if I found a decent one I would) but I believe in God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in Heaven. If you don't - that's fine. I don't push. Just getting the Word out to those who share my beliefs.

This sketch, "Laughing Jesus" accompanied a Playboy article titled "God and the Hippies" in the January 1968 issue by Harvey Cox. Don't know who the artist is.

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord has risen indeed! Maybe playboy isn't the best place for an article on Jesus, but certainly the picture conveys His love for us and His humanity. It's amazing to comprehend the sacrifice He paid so that we can be saved.
