Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For my cousin Michael...

I found out this evening that my younger cousin Michael died. He would've been 40 tomorrow. This song is for him - Dennis Wilson's "Farewell My Friend". Listen to's a gorgeous song. He wrote it when his friend, Pop Hinsche died. I will miss you, Michael. You are with God now - and happy.


  1. Jeff,
    I'm sitting here crying after listening to this song. It's beautiful. I met Mike for the 1st time at Ruthie's yesterday and cried with your mom at the coffee shop today. He showed me his artwork and it is just so hard to believe. I guess we have to cherish every day for we never know if it's our last.
    Be strong & remember all the happy times you had with him.


  2. carole, you mean you met michael yesterday - on the day he died??? how odd. i'm glad you did. he will be missed. thanks for your thoughts.

  3. Jeff,
    Yes it was on wednesday morning, the day he died. Ruthie had our coffee group over. What a co-incidence, huh? Such a nice guy. Went over to see Ruthie this morning and met your Uncle Fran & his wife. Still can't believe this happened and my heart just breaks for her.
    Take care Jeff & live each day to it's fullest.
