Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Old Spice ain't good enough for GQ?

According to the March issue of GQ, my Old Spice reads too much of "Dad". Well, my father uses Old Spice - has forever, and my brother and I both use it (among other colognes Jas uses). Matter of fact, Santa brings it to us every year at Christmas, Guaranteed.

My Old Spice. And I've never received any complaints from the ladies.


  1. It goes to show you that the simps at GQ know jack shit about attracting women. The very reason they state not to where Old Spice, is the reason to where Old Spice!!! "DAD" thats right dad!!! They smell it on you and they think of their daddy!! When they think of "daddy" they think of security. They smell it on you, so they feel secure!!!
    A secure woman is a happy woman! A happy woman is a horny woman!
    Perverted yet true!!!!!!!!!!!!!PAN

  2. The GQ 'males' are homosexual and do not know the slightest thing about attracting women as they think they are one. If you wear Old Spice around one of them they may eat turned on so be careful and avoid any surprises.

  3. @anon - so what are saying? that men who read GQ are gay? or that some men who read GQ are gay? or that men who aspire to look "GQ" are gay? please elaborate.
