Gotta admit, even President Obama and his wife are tightening their belts during this harsh economic climate that we're facing, as evident in the gift-giving exchange between he and our greatest ally, Great Britain Prime Minister Gordan Brown.
"Hmmm...let me see. You're a shrewd ally, Prime Minister. I'll see your pen holder fashioned from the oak timber of HMS Gannet, a Navy vessel that served on anti-slavery missions off Africa; your framed commissioning paper for the HMS Resolute; your first edition, seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill; the outfits for our children from the British chain, Topshop, and the six children's books by British authors which have yet to be published in the U.S. AND raise you...hmmm...I'll raise you a set of 25 classic American films which you've probably seen and two toy helicopters modeled after Marine One that we got in the White House gift shop.
Your call, Prime Minister." W...T...F?
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