Monday, March 16, 2009

"PTSP." to perform at opening night of Seattle Erotic Art Festival!

"What is that a picture of? Is that a - it looks like....nooooo. It's a briefcase! Hahaha. Ha."

I've attended one erotic art exhibition and believe me, it's not a field trip for members of the Moral Majority, trust me.

So I just found out that my 'dirty little play', "Pass the Salt, Please." - which is already part of The Little Red Studio's (LRS) 2009 Erotic Shorts Festival, April 24-26 and May 1-3 - has been chosen from those 9 plays to perform on opening night of this year's Seattle Erotic Art Festival (SEAF). Is that awesome or what?
The day before SEAF officially opens to the public, "PTSP." will be performed by the actors from Little Red Studio festival for all the SEAF artists in attendance. More information coming on the run at The Little Red Studio AND if you just so happen to be in the Seattle area the first weekend in May, check out SEAF's website.

"That dirty little play" Justyna refers to it. The "dirty little play" that could...

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