Monday, March 30, 2009

In Seattle the end of April? Order tickets for "Pass the Salt, Please."!

If you're planning to be in the Seattle area at the end of April, check out my short, "Pass the Salt, Please.", performing in The Little Red Studio's Erotic Short Festival. The show runs two weekends - April 24, 9:00 p.m through May 3, 8:00 p.m. Order tickets here.

"We're proud to present our fourth production of Erotic Shorts. Due to increased popularity, we're offering this show for two weekends (six performances) this time around. Watch as a husband and wife have a typical dinner at home, or do they (that's my play!)? A first date unfolds, a sexy film shoot gets a little off track, a glimpse backstage at two actors during a Shakespeare production, and two co-workers struggle to find a connection with one another...These stories and more will delight and fascinate you, creating a wonderful evening of theater at Little Red Studio!"

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