Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama's merit program has no merit with teacher's union. Duhhhh.

No shit. Saw this on the front page of today's Los Angeles Times. The teacher's union is nothing but a mafia-esque group of pigs who do nothing but keep tenured, ineffective teachers in classrooms while laying off thousands of young teachers who might possibly perform their teaching tasks more effectively. Teachers getting paid on "merit"?? Egad! Guess it's too much to ask that the teachers of "America's future" conduct themselves in anything less than a "meritorious" manner when it concerns their students.

Take, for instance, New York. You wanna talk about a fucked up school system? New York keeps "ineffective" and "questionable" teachers who are in the midst of disciplinary actions sequestered in hidden "rubber rooms"...collecting full paychecks while doing nothing. NOTHING. And no one seems to want to discuss and address this issue. More on "rubber rooms" in a later post.

The Los Angeles school board recently voted to send notices of impending layoffs to more than 8,800 teachers and other employees, adding to the 20,000 teacher pink slips already issued. Incidentally, according to a November 19, 2008 USA Today article, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranked the United States 18th among 36 nations in secondary education, South Korea ranked 1st, with 93% of high school students graduate on time compared with the 75% in the U.S. And it's a downward trend for us.

Perhaps the teacher's union should find its own "rubber room" to hide in, eh?

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