Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's gaffe. Who cares??

President Obama's flub on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno is just another example of how ridiculous this country has gotten as it pertains to "political incorrectness".

Obama and Leno were joking about the president's bowling ability. Obama said he's been practicing and recently had a score of 129. That's not too high, and the president said that it was "like Special Olympics or something."

So what? Where's all the rumbling over Leno's comment about the Obama's dog?

LENO: And it's, what, a Portuguese water head? (Laughter.) What is it, what kind of dog is it?
OBAMA: It's not that. (Laughter.)
LENO: It's not that.
OBAMA: It's not a "water head." (Laughter.)

I have sight in one eye so I'm disabled. I can't get bent outta shape every time someone says, "You have a great eye for taking photographs, Jeff" or something similar.

I watched The Tonight Show interview this morning with my roommate. When it was over, she asked me, "who do you think has more money - Obama or Leno?" I smiled.

She's Jewish.


  1. the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, my hometown paper, didn't even mention the "Special Olympics" gaffe by Obama. i think the paper leans toward the left. now had George W. Bush said, the JS would've been all him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey jeff, keep an eye out for me, will ya?

    btw...tim cuprisin, mke j/s.
