Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guest Instructor Mr. Favre? (But I thought Mangini hated Favre, Jeff?)

Former New York Jets Coach Eric Mangini - now Cleveland Browns head coach - told the New York Daily News that he and Favre have been text messaging since they last saw each other December 29, the day the Jets fired Mangini and the day after Favre played his final NFL game. ... "I don't think it would be anything formal," Mangini told the newspaper. "It's not like we are hiring him to run the scout team. I don't think he would be interested in that. He would be more like a visitor. An open invite."

Mangini brought in a ton of motivational speakers while he was at the Jets. I guess this squelches the talk about Favre and Mangini not liking each other, bunch of dumb assholes (I'm talking to you, Teddy Atlas!).

"We had a legitimately good relationship," Mangini said. "He's a good guy. I like Brett a lot. That was a tough situation for him to come into and I thought he handled it incredibly well."

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