Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dems fear one-sided, conservative talk radio. Solution? Create a new Fairness Doctrine?

"Talk radio in the balance", by Brian C. Anderson, appeared in today's issue of the Los Angeles Times.

I say "Nerts!" to that. Mainly because Democrat Nancy Pelosi is in favor of it (and you know how I feel about her). They forget that these conservative radio hosts and their programs aren't a debate where you have to present the other side's viewpoint. I agree with Anderson - the concept is unconstitutional. The 1st Amendment says "Congress shall make no law that abridges freedom of speech or the press".

'Course, we have laws on the books that prohibit people from entering and staying in the U.S. illegally and our government has ignored this issue in about 11 million instances.

In a related article (same edition of the LA Times) - "The tired war on Limbaugh".

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