Thursday, March 19, 2009

A couple observations regarding Natasha Richardson's death.

Her freak skiing accident this past Monday and her subsequent death is just horrible. She was only a year older than me. But she's gone - and it's those she's left behind that I feel the most sadness for...her husband, two children, mother, etc. This song is for Liam and his boys, in the hopes it offers them some solace.

Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (Thats An Irish Lullaby) - Bing Crosby

Two things immediately came to mind upon hearing of Richardson's death. Her ordeal happened over St. Patrick's Day - the national holiday of her husband's - Liam Neeson - native Ireland. The anniversary of any death is bad enough. For Liam to have remember his wife's passing every St. Patrick's Day is ironic.

Secondly, I understand Neeson will take on the role of Abraham Lincoln in an upcoming movie. Lincoln's life was filled with tragedy - two of his four sons died, his wife suffered from depression and migraine headaches (she was later committed to a mental institution for a time) and he had to deal with the Civil War. A competent actor doesn't need to have experienced tragedy to play a tragic character. In his role as Lincoln, however, Neeson won't have to act.

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