Sunday, March 22, 2009

After killing 4 Oakland cops, gunman's cousin says her cousin was "not a monster".

MSNBC coverage here.

A 26-year-old wanted on a parole violation (missed meetings with his parole officer) gunned down 4 Oakland, CA SWAT team members. The murderer, Lovelle Mixon, who had an extensive criminal history and was out on parole for assault with a deadly weapon, was later gunned down by police. I read in one report that had Lovelle the Murderer been arrested, it was his 3rd strike and Lovelle the Murderer was afraid of going back to jail.
When contacted by the press, Lovelle's cousin, LaTasha Mixon, said that her "cousin is not a monster". Oooookay, LaTasha...4 cops are murdered and your dead cousin is no monster. Oh hey, LaTasha...that's what your dead "non-monster" cousin looks like now.

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