Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Jeff Ircink thinks about Global Warming.

My cousin Scott started a new blog - This Is My World. Here's a recent post concerning his views on global warming.

He asked me what I thought about global warming. I said it seems to be a partisan issue - Democrats believe in it. Republicans don't. Imagine that. Hmmm. Read this teeny-tiny excerpt from my play, "Stan's Addiction" (2004 Heuer Publishing Co.):

(His head in the paper.)
Paper says it’s supposed to be hot the rest of the week into next week.

(His head in the paper, fiddling with a pencil. Matter-of-factly.)
Hard work - being a weatherman. Stick your head out the window and say, ‘it’s hot’, ‘it’s cold’, ‘it’s raining’, ‘it’s snowing’. Stick your head out the window every ten minutes for your updates, and there you go – you’re a weatherman.


I think there’s a little more to it then that, Patrick.

Is there, "Stu"? In a roundabout way, I sort of think like "Patrick".

I believe in treating this planet with respect. I believe in not littering and that recycling is good. I believe that it's almost certain that the pollutants from cars and manufacturers isn't good for the environment like I believe that smoking isn't good for your lungs. I believe the more trees we plant the better - that we should replace what we reap. I believe that man should not live by development alone. I believe the earth's climate changes and what we do affects the climate - to a degree.

That being said, how am I supposed to believe global warming proponents when they predict that specific actions by mankind TODAY will have THIS EFFECT or THAT EFFECT on the earth 25, 50, 100 or 200 years from now if weathermen can't get the weather forecast right for tomorrow?

Anyone? Buehler?


  1. it's the argument that i don't understand. if you don't believe global warming exists, and you don't think we're headed for a disaster, but you still do things to create a cleaner environment, cleaner air, water...we still end up with a cleaner planet. why wouldn't you want that?

    even if the global warming folks are all off their rockers, why wouldn't you want to take care of this beautiful place?

    if you believe a god put us here, and created all this for us, why wouldn't you want to treat it with respect?

    if you don't believe in god, and you think it's all up to us, why wouldn't you want to take care of it?

    the positives, whatever you believe, seem to always outweigh the negatives here. for me, anyway.
