Thursday, February 19, 2009

Travis the chimp should still be alive!

That mauling of a lady by Travis the chimp recently - should have never happened.

1. Chimps belong in zoos or sanctuaries OR in the wild. Not as pets. I'm right and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Many think they shouldn't even be caged in zoos but that's a whole nuther debate.

2. Animals are unpredictable. Your cat could scratch the shit out of your face while you sleep for no particular reason. I know people who've experienced this. A chimp is 5x stronger than a grown man. Think about it.

3. Travis had a rap sheet. He bit someone in 1993. He caused a traffic disturbance in 2003. The owner was told that Travis is a problem chimp. Usually an animal over 50lbs. has to have a special license/restriction - something. That was waived in Travis' case - even with his rap sheet.

Travis. Look at that som'bitch! It's a freakin' sumo wrestler...and 5x stronger than a man?? No thanks.

4. I feel for the victim. It's horrible, but when she stepped into the chimp's "space" she took that risk. See #2.

5. The owner should know better. Like a vehicle on the road, the owner is ultimately responsible for her animal's behavior, as difficult of a task as that may seem. The owner should be sued. I hope she enjoys a world she can SEE because her friend surely won't have that luxury anymore.

6. I feel for Travis the most - the biggest victim. And he was stabbed and shot to death.

UPDATE: Cheetah the Chimp, 75, from the Tarzan movies was still alive as of April 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Had to comment on this one. I agree with you all the way Jeff about animals belonging in the zoo. This woman that owned him had lobster, steak & wine with him. Also bathed (yuk) with him and slept with him. When she'd leave to go someplace he'd kiss her good-bye??? What the heck, mmmmm "wonder if she had sex with him too"???
