Thursday, February 5, 2009

"TANSTAAFL" schmanstaafl.

I hated taking Economics in college. I received a "C" and "D" in Econ 101 and 102, respectively. And I was lucky to get the "D". I was failing the course and my professor said, "Jeff, you need to get a high "B" on the final just to get a D". Really? Well if I'm failing the course, how in the hell did I think I was gonna get a high "B" on the final? I can't take this class again...

But I got that high "B". Jim Sickels and I crammed for days. We were RA's at the time (and are still close) so we had the run of the dormitory. We locked ourselves in an empty room in the basement and didn't come out for days. Smoked, drank tea, shot the shit, no showers and studied our asses off.

So it shouldn't be a surprise to me that one of the only economic terms I recall from Econ 101 and 102 is, "TANSTAAFL". It means, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch". And even that term is bullshit and I'll tell you why.

I ordered a shirt just like this for my friend Donovan's October. NBC sent me a small instead of a large. Now I might have made a mistake but I haven't worn a "small" since I was a child. I sent it back. My shipment got lost. I finally got the replacement just before Christmas.

Then THIS(see above) came in the mail yesterday. The exact shirt I ordered for Donovan and received (late). I called NBC and asked how many charges were on my account. Just the first one. No 2nd charge. I kept my mouth shut and VOILA! free tee.

If you find yourself in Pennsylvania, stop by Schrute Beet Farms. No one can beat their -beets. And say "hello" to Mose for me.

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