Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Remember when Santa smoked in the 1930's?

My brother emailed me a few "questionable" advertisements from the 1930's and I had to chuckle, especially as I have an advertising creative background. Though I never wrote copy encouraging teens to smoke because you'll get laid, I appreciate the task that lay before these ad men from 70+ years ago. Click on READ MORE! to see the rest.

On a related note, I've watched the first three episodes of the new TNT series, Trust Me, starring Thomas Cavanagh and Eric McCormack. I was drawn to the show because it's set at an advertising agency in Chicago (the ad agency part, not the Chicago part), much like I was drawn to Thirtysomething or Mad Men (John Hamm still doesn't know how to smoke a ciggie like a real smoker = my one beef).

The only issue I have is with Cavanagh's character. He's a fast-talking copywriter who most certainly is dripping with ADHD, and is guilt of creating a page of dialogue for a simple "yes" or "no" comment because he won't shut the fuck UP! I thought, 'maybe it's me'.

Check out these reviews from the New York Times, Hollywood Reporter, Washington Post, New York Magazine and Variety. It's not "me".

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