Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HP. JH. Tsk, tsk on both of you.

Out of respect for a number of other people, I can't share the dish on these two. I just had to blurt out something - something non-specific and open-ended because it was driving me nuts. There are enough gossip mongering blogs and websites that "break" celebrity news.

One "specific" thing about JH that bothered and that I will comment on has to do with my disdain for arrogance and entitlement and it's also a reflection on the youth of today. Apparently he didn't want a certain Oscar-winning, elderly actor to be in the film he (JH) was going to shoot because he (JH) felt the actor wasn't "contemporary enough". Now...the elderly actor would've played...an elderly role. How can an elderly actor be "contemporary" - unless of course what you really mean to say is that you'd prefer a "name" in the role, someone that may be a tad more recognizable to the public. Like if you were to compare, say Paul Newman and Abe Vigoda. Newman would've been more contemporary in that sense. More of a name. More people know him.

JH and HP are young. I suppose they can't be held accountable for everything they say. Or should they? I will say this: I won't ever watch a movie or television show with either of these two actors in it.

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