Saturday, February 14, 2009

$400 million for ocean habitat restoration?

Here's an example of "pork", found in the House version of the President's stimulus bill. I don't know if the Senate rejected this or not - can't find that version of the bill on the Internet.
While ocean research and habitat restoration is a worthwhile endeavor, I don't see how this qualifies as an immediate "stimulus" for our economy. Someone explain it to me.

Cousin Scotty adds a few more questionable expenditures to the list. I do, however, agree with the $50 million for the NEA. Hey, when the world's in the toilet you're gonna need "court jesters" like me to help get you out of the doldrums = the arts. I mean, if the government is going to dole out money, what will the most immediate, positive effect - the arts or ocean habitat restoration? I'll take it one step further. I'd rather see that $50 million dispersed more directly to theaters and arts centers, rather than having it go to the NEA. Take out the middleman.

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