Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Women Celebs I Love #6 - Linda Hardy.

Never heard of her before last night. Know nothing about her, but after seeing her in the very strange French sci-flick, Immortal, I'm hooked.

What do I know? She's extremely attractive and my gut tells me she's a together, nice person - subtle, understated acting approach. She's French and the former 1992 Miss France. Most of her films are in French. That's about it. Married? Single? Who knows - there's very little information about her on the Internet.

Now this movie I saw last night - Immortal (2004, English spelling)...strange one. It's not hard to follow but just hard to see the director's vision in how all the components fit together. Directed by artist Enki Bilal and based upon his graphic novel, "La Foire aux immortels" (The Carnival of Immortals), the film combines live action footage with computer animation, and received mixed reviews. It is notable as being one of the first major films to be shot entirely on a "digital backlot", blending live actors with computer generated surroundings. Immortal goes one step further than those films, however, in also having live actors interacting with semi photo-realistic CGI "humans".

(Jake or Tony - must I place a movie title in quotations marks? I'm tiring of this and think I'll opt not to.)

Take a gander at the Immortal trailer.

Hardy sort of evokes, for me, the look of 60's sex starlet, actress Claudia Cardinale. If you're a film buff you know Claudia. North African by birth, Italian by nationality, most of her films were in Italian or French, but she's known in the U.S. for such flicks as Once Upon A Time in the West and The Pink Panther.

Wanna see more of the lovely, Miss Hardy? Click on READ MORE!

Hardy as "Jill Bioskop" in Immortal.

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