Friday, January 30, 2009

"Where'd ya go Pop Culture Chick #4, Cindy Morgan aka Lacie Underall from 'Caddyshack' "?

Who wasn't born to love her? Anyone who has seen Caddyshack knows Lacie Underall. Every man's (and boy's as I was 16 when the movie came out in 1980) wet dream. She also played one of the leads in Tron - that ahead-of-its-time sci-fi Disney movie (I know the writer, by the way, for all you Tron heads).

Here's Cindy today. She's still in the "business" - spends a good deal of time doing the autograph/picture thing circuit for Caddyshack/Tron events. There's a couple recent videos of her floating around on YouTube.

And if you've never seen Caddyshack, for shame. One of the all-time classic comedies. Here's the trailer.

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