Sunday, January 25, 2009

Backbone Trail Hike.

Went on a hike up through Will Rogers State Park - it's off Sunset in Pacific Palisades - and into Topanga State Park a week ago. The total length of the trail from Will Rogers to Malibu is - ohhhh, maybe 43 miles or so. My friend Monica and I trekked in 3 or 4 miles than turned back. Gorgeous day. Ocean views. Good workout.

Click on READ MORE! for just a few more pictures.

Monica checking out the scenery.

Bottom right corner is Will Rogers State Park. You hike a bit through there and then connect to the Backbone Trail in Topanga Canyon Park. The map above is the eastern side - there's another map this size for the western side and the trail contains out to Point Mugu in Malibu. As I mentioned before, we hiked 3 or 4 miles in, as designated by that red mark.

Found this button on the Backbone. Wonder if it's one of Benjamin's buttons? Ha. Ha, ha. HaahahahHAhHHAhHahHAHhAH! Yeh.

Clear day for a view of the Pacific.

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