Tuesday, January 6, 2009

PASSION = TRUTH continues to set blogging records!

December 2008 had around 5,506 visits (yellow)- the most of any month since I started PASSION = TRUTH in March 2007 (10x what it was in December 2007) and PASSION = TRUTH has had a consistent significant increase in readership since March 2008 - including the amount of page views (orange). This is important as it's a direct reflection oF how long readers stay on a particular blog. And as I've always stated about blog posts, it's not the quantity that counts, but December had the 2nd most blog posts (next to July 2008) all-time - 109.

PASSION = TRUTH has also become a blog of commerce...somewhat. I now have an Amazon banner so you can peruse this site AND make book and music purchases easily. I also negotiated a few nice barters - blog URL listings in exchange for merchandise or my blog listing on another site. Finally, I added the FOLLOWER feature so if you'd like to become a regular visitor of PASSION = TRUTH, you can sign up and get regular blog updates as they happen.

Onward and upward, as they say, for PASSION = TRUTH!

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