Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I hate dentists.

I do. Not quite as much as I hate Barbara Bollenbach, but I still hate them. Goes back to my childhood when they would take that fluoride treatment goo, squeeze it into that H-form and have you bite down on it. I wanted to die. Had my parents not been paying for it I would've jumped from the seat, hit the dentist and his assistant and jumped through the window.
A few weeks before Christmas, I had some work done - namely...the big RC (root canal). First one - and I hope my last. It wasn't that bad really - 6 hours later. So I've been walking around with my temporary crown and I went in today to get my permanent crown.

Lotsa luck. The lab screwed up - crown doesn't fit perfectly. So my doctor (nice guy) had to go through part of the process all over again (readjust base crown fits on, take new forms of my mouth with this fast-drying goop that's kinda cool, reattach temporary crown).

Two hours later I'm sitting here at Tanner's with a numb mouth, a large cafe mocha and coffee cake cursing the lab that fucked up my crown. Cocksuckers. And this ISN'T an isolated case with this particular lab.

I hate dentists. D.D.S. should stand for Dentists Die Soon. Mine's a nice guy though. Barbara still sucks donkey dicks.


  1. Been there done that and got the bridge to prove it. Three times the lab f'd up my crown and three times I had my gums repacked and impressions taken. Last one finally fit and I bit down to get the bite adjusted and guess what? It broke in half. Dentist almost fainted. Did the fourth crown for free. Lucky me. There's a special place in hell for these guys.You have my deepest sympathies.

  2. just don't visit them. then you'll really wish you were the one IN HELL with all the pain you'd be in. ...but what do I know.

  3. So interesting ha?! why all of the patient feel so scared?

    by: florence

  4. No one likes going to the dentist. Still, I must say I met a dentist who made me feel I can go there again, with no second thoughts. She was really nice and knew what she was doing.

  5. dentist-- the greediest bastards on the face of the world. Quack Schau--- in our town charged 5K for three crowns... no RC, just the crowns. again, greediest bastards on the face of the earth. Bernie Madoff was likely a dentist in a past life.

  6. Some dentists are quite oki. Sleep dentist, for example, can help you have a pain- free experience, during which they will fix your teeth.

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