Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I can finally read my Playboy.

I spent two hours at Santa Monica hospital yesterday - post-cataract surgery. And I can NOW read.

I had cataract surgery two years ago this March. In almost every case, the patient must return within a 5-year period due to scarring, or encapsulation, as a result of the original cataract surgery. In my case, I was having difficulty reading - even with reading glasses. Computer work was a tad sketchy too. And I'm a writer. Frustrating to say the least.

So I was at the hospital for two hours. Had my apple juice and crackers. My surgery lasted one minute. Seriously. A few precise ZAPS of a laser in my eye and I was done. And instantly, my vision was back to 100% - not only my reading vision but my long-distance vision as well (that hadn't really suffered much but I DID notice a difference).

Medical technology. Amazing mother, ain't it? I have so much reading to get caught up on. Need to finish that bio on Steve McQueen, and Letters to Brett Favre, Wall Street Journal insert on Obama's inauguration, Playboy back issues...

PS - Thank you, Dr. Stelzner. You (she) did a remarkable job.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, Glad your surgery went well on your eye. Your mom worries so much about you. Good thing you didn't tell her about it before you had it done.
    Playboy?? Come on, read about the Inauguration!!!
    " Carole"
