Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are liberals thin-skinned or is it just me?

So I sent people a link to my blog post about the Obama inaugural gala costing $150 million. Apparently there are conflicting reports on what the actual cost was. Some are saying it was less. Guess it depends on who you talk to. Here's my original post. Isn't anything you haven't read on the Internet already. That's not the point of this post.

I'm flabbergasted at the reaction of some of my liberal friends. I'm dead serious - it's like I beat a baby harp seal (which I'm against) in front of a group of 1st graders. I'm a moderate who leans more toward the conservative side. But I believe in a woman's right to choose, that we should get out of Iraq, more funding for the arts, and gay rights/gay marriage. Now the reaction I've received - honestly, leaves me scratching my head. It's like the liberals won - Obama's in office - and everyone else's opinion counts for shit. Shut up - they don't wanna hear anything negative about Obama. They ripped on McCain the entire campaign but now that Obama's in office, all negative diatribe must cease.

1. One friend called me "a grump" - and she ripped on McCain throughout the campaign process. I love this person - go back a long way and I respect her tremendously. But I'm a grump because I complained that millions of dollars (whatever the figure was) were spent on Obama's inauguration while the American economy is in such dire straits?

2. One friend asked that I take him off my email list if I continue to send "inane" emails about Obama. My opinion is now considered "inane". Another long-time friend whom I love.

3. Another friend kindly said that I'm entitled to my opinion and that she can just hit DELETE - referring to my email to her. She's very busy so we don't do much together.

What the fuck? Are you shitting me? This is disconcerting, to say the least. Politics have never come between me and my friends - or my friends and I. But my God, now that Obama is President are the liberals going to totally follow him like lemmings? I mean, I'm rooting for the guy too, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna kiss his ass (no disrespect to our President) regarding everything he does. If I wasn't supposed to take everything as Gospel truth regarding George W. Bush and the Republicans, why is it any different when it concerns Obama?

And why is OK for the liberals to attack conservatives regarding their loyalties but the liberal's way is now seemingly the only way and they don't wanna hear anything to the contrary? I sort of feel like every issue that I lean liberal on - I wanna switch to the conservative side just to spite these people. These people WHO ARE MY FRIENDS.

If you know me or have visited this blog, you know I LOVE Brett Favre. Regardless of what he does, I've always stuck by the man. You'd think I'd just killed BF and that these guys are BF fans out for my blood. Perception's reality and that's the vibe I received. I love my friends - and I didn't use their names out of respect to them - and we're all entitled to our opinions (that's why I started this blog - and I'm extremely opinionated). But differing in opinion and getting really pissy about it to the point where I'm going, "what the fuck did I do?" are two different things. I'm truly sorry if I pissed a few people off, but I won't apologize for it. And if they get mad because I blogged about them (didn't name names) and wanna write me off, then I'm prepared to deal with that. Then they weren't the friends I thought they were, in the first place? They won't. Will they? No...

Would this new administration want me, you - us - to stifle our right to question? To demand accountability? I would think President Obama would say, "no".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. they're called "hope goggles" and they're stuck to people's faces

  3. The lefties call it "situational ethics." They believe that their opinion and beliefs/values are so "right" for this country they will do say anything even if it is not true just to get into power.

    Google it, especially how it relates to the recent election and administration. It's crazy.

    Look at some of the stories coming out already where Obama is keeping a lot of secrets, not disclosing the simplest of details.

    Why was his re-swearing not captured on television? Why were only four print reporters allowed in? Why was everything that was released from this straight from the White House and not by any other major press organization.

    Scary, Scary, Scary and we're only on Day 3...what is this country in store for?

    My grandpa is rolling in his grave, not because of a man's political party, but because of what this nation has become!

  4. If people don't understand that everyone has their own opinion, and are getting pissed off at you, then they weren't your friends to begin with.
    We all just have to wait and see what Obama does. He has a real mess to clean up so it's going to take a long time.
    The guy who said when he was sworn in again it wasn't on TV was wrong, cause it was, I watched it.
    I don't think he is going to keep anything from the people like Bush did. So God Bless the USA for letting us express ourselves!!
