Saturday, December 13, 2008

Self-portrait. 12: 56 a.m. 12 Days 'til Christmas.

I'm supposed to be at a Christmas party tonight but I had committed to babysitting for my roommate's kid. I would have liked to gone to this one. But - Jeff Ircink is a man of his word. Boo hoo. Anyway, I was screwing around writing, looked at the time and thought, "Hey - it's 12 Days until Christmas." This is truly a Festivess - I mean, a Christmas miracle.

And when I wrote, "12 Days 'til Christmas" in my headline, I immediately thought of the song. So if you get confused or lost while singing this popular little ditty between now and Christmas, use this helpful guide. Just remember to insert "Jeffrey James Ircink"between four calling birds and five gold rings.

(It wasn't until 1:57 a.m. when I actually finished this post - it was a bitch to get these pictures in order so they were symmetrical on the blog post. But I figured it was like a MENSA test and I did it at 2 in the freakin' morning! 'Nite).

Graphics courtesy of

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