Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scott & Ashley in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

Cousin Scott and his fiance, Ashley, at her parent's home. Scott sent a few more so click on READ MORE! if you'd like to view additional photos.

(WAIT! There's more...)

The Schmidt's in New Berlin: Gary & Bev and their children, Matty (middle), Scott (Ashley), bottom right - Stacy and her beau. Gary grew up with my Uncle Fran Ircink - been friends since babies.
See if you can follow this Bev is the sister of my Uncle Bob Nowak - he's married to my Aunt Ev Ircink, my dad's youngest sister. So the Schmidt kids and the Ircink boys share first cousins - the Nowak's (I've explained this in related posts). U. Bob and A. Ev and their two youngest - Mike and Natalie - are coming to Santa Barbara for the holidays, so that'll be nice (as I'm staying in CA). My grandparents and Gary's parents vacationed together, drank together, played cards together - you name it. My brother, dad and I fish and hunt with Gary - Matty bowhunts a bit as well. They are family.

Scott and Ash in the snow.

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