Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Amazon / 2008.

I was thinking about that Amazon banner I have near the top of my blog banner. It signifies that you're a member of Amazon Affiliates and that when readers click on that banner to get to Amazon's site, I get a commission on whatever is spent. Thus far, my friend Maria has purchased 5 things over the course of the last two weeks; yet Amazon Affiliates does not recognize any of her purchases - nor am I getting any credit for said purchases. I fired off an email but have yet to hear any response.

Which got me thinking about my own Amazon purchases over the last year:

The Lieutenant of Inishmore

The Pillowman

The Cripple of Inishmaan (all three are plays written by Martin McDonagh)

That Lucky Old Sun (CD/DVD) - Brian Wilson's latest release

Seastories [Audio CD] - Minnie Driver's latest (this is a repeat purchase because I can't find the first CD I purchased)

Pacific Ocean Blue - Legacy Edition [Limited Edition] - ex-Beach Boy drummer, Dennis Wilson's 1977 solo release

Greatest Hits (CD + DVD) by lThe Ohio Players

Kicks! The Anthology 1963-1972 - Paul Revere and The Raiders

Odessey and Oracle [Original recording remastered] [Audio CD] - The Zombies' re-release of their last album in 1969

Thomas Jefferson : Writings : Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia

The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams (both purchased after watching the HBO mini-series, "John Adams")

Diane Arbus: A Biography [Paperback] by Patricia Bosworth - purchased after watching the movie, "Fur", with Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey, Jr.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: A Memoir of Life in Death [Paperback]

Generous Women: An Appreciation [Hardcover] by Hamner, Earl (creator of the TV series, "The Waltons" and a personal acquaintance of mine)

Bird in a House [Audio CD] by Railroad Earth

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