Other than that, I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. If you're one who believes that gays'(?) have less rights than you or I do simply because of their sexual preference, perhaps this movie will make you think differently. No, I'm not saying that because I'm a moderate with many liberal stances (such as gay rights). Or that I have gay friends in the theater. Or that I'm a heterosexual living in California and my brain's been warped by liberal California viewpoints.
I say this because a gay person IS A PERSON, due the same rights as you and I. Theoretically, you can not cherry pick what rights a gay man (or woman) is allowed to have because they're gay (unfortunately, the government doesn't agree). And please don't preach to me those
religious tried-and-true-and-tired arguments from the Old Testament. I've heard them and they're nothing but crutches for the frightened and ignorant.
In case you're blinded by your own zealousness for what you think God deems appropriate behavior by men and woman on Earth, remember this: Jesus kept company with whores, thieves and lepers. He said, "love one another as I have loved you".
How about loving just a little more come 2009, huh?
We do have equal rights, I can't kill anyone they can't kill anyone. As a man, I can marry a woman; and as a man, they can marry a woman.