Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jet lose to Seahawks...

...and perhaps a berth in the playoffs. Hmmm. Not good. Jets would have to beat Miami at home next week and hope New England loses to Buffalo - fat chance of that happening. That's just the division title. A wild card would be the only other Jets' option IF New England wins, Jets beat Miami and Baltimore loses at home to the Jaguars. Too many factors depending on too many other teams, so I'm not holding my breath.

Course this year's NFL has been full of surprises and parity. The Jets held their destiny in their own hands and have blown it. Extremely disappointing. I told multiple people this past week that I had deep reservations about the Jets either winning the division or winning a game in the playoffs - for a variety of reasons.

I don't like to be right in this situation.

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