Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Investor's apparent suicide on Madoff's hands.

Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet was found dead from an apparent suicide in Manhattan yesterday. His investment advisory firm lost a estimated $1.5 billion in the Bernard Madoff $50 billion investment scandal. Madoff might as well have cut Thierry's wrists and stuffed the sleeping pills down the guy's throat himself. Terrible, terrible thing to blog about on Christmas Eve, but it is what it is.

And to top off it all off, Madoff will not be going to jail even though he failed to meet the original terms of his $10 million bail agreement. Madoff could not find four people to co-sign his bond. Instead, Madoff has agreed to a nightly curfew, and his wife, Ruth, will surrender her passport, according to a filing in U.S. District Court on Wednesday. Madoff has already given up his passport. He must remain at his apartment in Manhattan from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. During the day, he will still be allowed to travel throughout Connecticut and southern New York. Previously, he had had no restrictions on his travel in those areas, allowing him to sleep at his oceanfront estate in Montauk, on Long Island, if he chose.

That's U.S. government prosecutors for you. Bastards. I've predicted that Madoff will commit suicide before this is all over. And I hope he does. I'd shoot him myself if it were legal. 20 yards with my compound bow and a very dull blade to make him reel over in death slowly.

Merry un-Christmas, Mr. Madoff, you cocksucker.

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