Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas Eve message...from Jeff.

I stole this from the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" - and from Mark Twain, I suppose. I just wanted to thank all of you have taken the time to peruse the multitude of posts - both trivial and informative - on Passion = Truth.

It's a difficult time in the world today - war rages overseas, the world's economy is suffering, people are in want - and in pain. But through all that, I pray you can see through to the real message of Christmas - the birth of Christ, and the hope He brings to the World...and a better tomorrow for us all.

And to my family - my parents, my brother Jason and Molly & Zol - and the rest of my family and friends who I am not able to spend the holiday season with, I miss you all. I am blessed beyond all the treasures that can be found on this earth. And when I am alone or am down - I think of you.

A very Merry Christmas to all of you - and a better New Year.

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