Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"The Bed" short, shortlisted list for Short & Sweet/Sydney.

What? I thought that was a fun headline.

Here's the N-Z shortlist for Short & Sweet/Sydney. Yepper. Sombitch better make it to the finals this year.

It's sort of a big deal because Short & Sweet offers $20,000 in prize money in various your little 10-minute play an make some mullah. The final selection process from the 300 shortlisted plays confuses me though. The top ranking plays on the shortlist (which you have no idea where your play ranked) are distributed to the directors who decide which plays they would like to direct and thus which plays will end up actually being performed in the Festival. My question - which I just posed to Alex Broun (co-coordinator) - is if your play isn't among the top-ranked, the only chance you have of getting to the finals is if there are directors who haven't found a play they wish to direct from the top ranked list.

Seems plausible. I wonder what sort of marks "The Bed" received???

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