Friday, October 24, 2008

TGIF! presents...Lowen And Navarro's "Just To See You"!

I know both these singer/songwriters. Met them through my friend Justyna in Chicago. She's been playing their music for me for years - then I finally went to see them at McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica a year ago (2 years?) to see what the hubbub was all about. Justyna was right.

Eric Lowen (long hair on left) and Dan Navarro wrote the hit "We Belong" for Pat Benatar. They've been playing together since 1987 and are wonderful people; their songs are songs we can all relate to and their repartee on stage is very funny. I love this song (my favorite song wouldn't post via YouTube..."If You Loved Me Like That").

In 2004, Eric was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease. He can no longer play guitar. He can no longer stand - he performs from a wheel chair; but he's still performing. THEY'RE still performing.

Justyna and I saw them together in Chicago last year. I felt it was important that we both be in attendance at the concert as she's the one who introduced their music to me - and I wasn't sure when she and I would get another chance...together.

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