Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PETA may be looking for you, Mr. Favre.

A couple posts down, I have a story on PETA's (Preservation for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) attempts to have "fish" renamed as "sea kittens". Forgot this update: Look out Brett Favre - PETA may soon be looking for you.
“That was pretty good,” Jets linebacker Eric Barton said. “Definitely up there.”

(Above: Goya's "Dead Turkey", 1808-1812...can you spot the 2nd turkey, the bearded man and Goya's signature?)

Favre, notorious for shenanigans involving lockers, apparently took out his latest prank on Barton. No one's sure what kind of dead animal Favre shot (presumably), bagged and dumped inside Barton’s locker (blood and guts included with bag), though some think it was wild turkey ('tis turkey season, you know).

“It definitely had the wow factor,” said left guard Alan Faneca, whose locker is next to Barton’s and was one of the many Jets' players gathered around Barton’s locker and engaged in fits of laughter. “I’ve never had a dead animal brought into the locker room, so yeah, it’s up there...I hope that the animal rights activists find out about it, whoever did it, that cruel person.”

Asked if this was an example of how Favre was fitting into the Jets’ locker room, Faneca said: “He fits because of his personality. He likes to have a good time and joke around and have fun while you’re doing it. That’s the way we should be doing things out here.”

Barton said he had no plans for payback. One presumes. Meanwhile, Favre has now moved on to watching "The Godfather II". Gobble, gobble.

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