Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"How to Speak 'Load Talk' ", by Jimmy & Boomer.

What's with some TV sports commentators suddenly showing up on-camera drunker than skunks, ready to go on-air and spew forth their football nonsense? What? Well, that's what it seemed like this past weekend.

After the Jets' 20-14 win Sunday, CBS' Boomer Esiason noted, "We saw the best of Brett Favre and the worst of Brett Favre," as well as saying in the pregame chatter that he was "more skeptical than ever" that Favre would succeed.

And - Fox's Jimmy Johnson said the Packers "couldn't wait to say goodbye" since Favre's skills had "deteriorated".

"Load talk" is talk between guys who've been drinking too much. This, according to my Uncle Fran, who experienced much of it (load talk) while attending UW-Oshkosh in the early 70's and hanging out with his frat buddies.

Boomer's "worst of Favre" quote was in reference to Brett's 22-yard jump ball for a TD on 4th and 13. Hey Boomer...were you watching the same game I was? Apparently not, 'cause you would've known that the Jets' kicker was out of commission and the worst that could've happened is Favre's intercepted and Miami gets the ball at the 20. Besides, at 4th and 13, a first down would have put the Jets at the 3-yard line or so anyway. Favre did EXACTLY what any QB would do in that situation. Should he have thrown a 5-yard pass to a receiver who gets tackled and turns the ball over that way OR go for the TD? You're an ex-QB, dummy. Think - don't drink.

And Jimmy??? Favre's skills "deteriorating"? That statement has either demensia or a bad heroin high written all over it. Boomer? "Skeptical" of Favre succeeding? Why don't you both shut the fuck up, watch the game and stay out of the Kool-aid that Packer GM Ted Thompson's been feeding you. While you're at it, just retire from broadcasting. Your comments are stupid and without foundation. One game into the season and I'm already ragging on the media, though I'm not surprised. Serenity now. Serenity now.

The media sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, We can expect more pessimism from Boomer about Favre simply because he is nowhere close to Favre status. He also does sports radio in NY, so feel Bretts pain when he has to hear that fool everyday!
