Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goodbye, Mr. Newman. (And Jeff is crying.)

Just got up, made a cup of coffee and was going to check email. And there it is on the MSN homepage. Paul Newman died yesterday. Cancer. Sonofabitch got him.

Sonofabitch. Now I'm crying. Here's my open letter to Paul in June. I guess he didn't read it - or he just didn't listen to me. That sonofabitch Cancer got my Cool Hand Luke. Just like my mom's father - Grandpa Datka, Grandma Ircink, Uncle Tom Ircink, Aunt Mary Ircink...I wonder if it will get me one day?

I thought Paul would never die. I didn't WANT him to ever die. God damit - I don't wanna talk about it right now. That Sonofabitch Cancer took my Cool Hand Luke away from me... (More tears.)

Paul Newman died. I can't wrap my head around that. Perhaps I never will. I still see his blue eyes - he will always be alive to me. I wonder if this is the reason I posted that daisy below - for no other reason? For Paul.

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