Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Update on the Klingap.

Fresh haircut and I colored the Klingap (the name I gave my facial hair - combination Klingon and Kerry Cotter from Gary Puckett and the Union Gap).

Gotta tell you - I've been getting admiring looks - both men and women (uh...other men with facial hair, I mean). When my brother was here and we were up in Santa Barbara for Solstice, I came across around 20 styles of facial hair in the beer tent unlike anything I'd seen before. Slight derivations of a beard or goatee or muttonchops, etcetera. The Klinggap got a few looksees. I don't think there's anything like it in LA - maybe the West Coast. Or the U.S.

Oh yeah - I mentioned I "colored" the Klingap. Two days ago - just to take the streaks of gray out. Kind of a frightening experience. And not for vanity sake but because this way its sticks out more. The gray was making the Klingap indiscernible from my 5, 7 and 10 o'clock shadow.

I think I resemble Jim Rome, the sports commentator. Slightly.

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