Friday, August 15, 2008

PorchLight Annual Picnic = Bill's Team-14, Bruce's Team-12.

That's unofficial. I'm usually on Bruce's team but somehow I was passed over and one of the last guys picked (why does this happen every year). Bill suddenly figured out I hadn't been chosen. Geezuz. Anyway, I plan and organize the annual PL picnic (like the Christmas party) - Mar Vista Park was the place. California Chicken Cafe catered (we picked up and delivered). Starts at 1 p.m. so it's a half day...on a Friday. Leftover food I take home. Good times.

It's really not a "fun" event for me 'cause I'm competitive and I play to win. Screw the 12-year-old son of one our employees - I could care less if he struck out. Screw the women, too. And the guys who never play and can't hit for shit. Funny - I tagged a guy out at 2nd base who had clearly overshot and had his foot off the bag. The other team screamed. The runner admitted he was out. He was. "Cause I tagged him out.

I was 4 for 4, 3 singles and a double, 2 RBI's for sure and I think I scored twice. Not bad for the last guy chosen (bastards - there's no reason I SHOULD'VE been the last). I'm very sore - but I played in honor of the new Jets' QB, #4 Brett Favre, so there really shouldn't be any surprises that I whacked the ball all day.

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