Friday, August 22, 2008

Karl Rove and President George W. Bush. Two mudskippers.

That's George W. in the foreground and Rove in the background - left. Not sure why they were at the Aquarium of the Pacific when I snapped this but, I mean, there they are.

I wrote about Rove in "If it looks like a rat and smells like a's Karl Rove" a month ago or so. On July 30, 2008, the House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines, 20 to 14, to cite Karl Rove for defying its subpoena to testify in an inquiry into improper political meddling in the department.

The White House has since invoked executive privilege in asserting that current and former top officials cannot be forced to testify before Congress, because the president’s right to confidential advice from his trusted aides would then be compromised.

Rove worked for President George W. Bush. Surprise, surprise. A presidential aide defies a House subpoena and his former boss steps in and says he doesn't have to testify. And he wonders why his popularity has sunk lower than dead people's?

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